Product Information
In the AMSOIL Product Information section, you will find information about AMSOIL motor oils and other synthetic products. A link to AMSOIL Tech services to answer any questions you may have about the products and about AMSOIL’s warranty. In addition, you will find a link to all MSDS sheets you may need for your records. Shipping information and Some Frequently Asked Questions are located here. Finally, a link to all of AMSOIL’S performance tests, so you can see the results of the extreme product testing that is done.

Performance Tests
AMSOIL's lubricants are tested to the limit in a state-of-the-art mechanical test lab, in real-world field trials and in the world’s most demanding racing vehicles in an effort to develop the best synthetic oil available. The result is a complete product line that performs as advertised and helps you harness the full potential of your vehicles and equipment.
(Click the photo above to see all the test results.)