Warranty Secure

AMSOIL products are Warranty Secure, keeping your factory warranty intact. They are high-performance replacements for vehicle/equipment manufacturer-branded products.
Maybe you’ve heard that motorcycle, ATV, snowmobile or other dealerships pressure people into buying the manufacturer’s brand of parts or lubricants to avoid losing their factory warranty. If it’s happened to you, it probably left a bad taste in your mouth.
That’s because no one likes to be told what to buy or likes to be taken advantage of.
In America, the federal Magnuson Moss Warranty Act protects your freedom to choose the brand of parts and lubricants you think is best. It also protects your right to extend oil-change intervals beyond what’s given in your owner’s manual without fear of voiding your factory warranty.
It is illegal to tie warranty coverage to whichever brand of parts or lubricants you use. Manufacturers that do so must provide the parts or lubricants free of charge
You have the freedom to choose how you protect your vehicles and equipment, including use of products formulated for extended drain intervals
Manufacturers can’t deny warranty coverage without showing the aftermarket part or lubricant caused a failure
If anyone tries to tell you differently, contact the FTC at www.ftc.gov/complaint.

The AMSOIL Limited Warranty is built with an extra measure of protection. While some other oil companies guarantee their products only until you reach a specified mileage they don’t place restrictions on warranty coverage based on total vehicle miles.
AMSOIL stands behind their products for as long as you use them.