What can you tell me about AMSOIL’s Preferred Customer Program?
A few years back AMSOIL created the Preferred Customer program as a way to improve the customer experience and improve the Dealer Business Opportunity. Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t understand the P.C. program and how it is different from the Dealer program. We wanted to explain the Preferred Customer program, the differences between P.C.’s and dealers, show you the benefits of the Preferred Customer program and if you want to sign up, what to expect.
What is the Preferred Customer Program
The AMSOIL Preferred Customer program is for those who want the lowest possible prices on the superior lubricants, fuel additives and filtration products for their vehicles and equipment and are not interested in the AMSOIL dealer business opportunity.
The AMSOIL Preferred Customer Program operates much like a Costco, Amazon prime or any other annual membership program. You pay a membership fee for discounted pricing along with other benefits. AMSOIL allows you to choose a one-time trial 6-month membership for $10 or you can choose the renewable 1-year membership for $20. The AMSOIL P.C. program has no minimum monthly or annual purchase requirement, so you can order what you want when you want.

This program is designed for all automotive enthusiasts, DIYers, Racers, ATV/ UTV enthusiasts, boaters, PWC owners, lawn mowers and other small engine equipment users. This program is for those customers who prefer AMSOILs high-quality products, but want to purchase at wholesale pricing factory-direct.
Benefits with the PC program
Those customers who choose to join the family of millions of auto and power sports enthusiasts can get additional benefits on top of saving up to 25% off retail prices.
- Exclusive product promotions including free products
- Exclusive shipping offers
- Free Gear for randomly selected PC’s when you place an order
- Earn P.C. points towards future purchases on all purchases made.
- Earn 500 referral rewards points when you refer someone who becomes a P.C. or dealer.
- Quarterly issues of the AMSOIL Magazine for P.C’s (summer 2019 edition)
- Access to AMSOIL’s Preferred Customer ZONE located on AMSOIL’s corporate page. Here you can easily get product data sheets, field studies and other information. Repeat online ordering as well. Just use your new account # to enter and set up your dashboard.
Who should join the Preferred Customer program
Any body who wants to save money buying the best synthetic motor oils on the market. For those customers that have not only vehicles, but also boats, ATV’s, lawn mowers, motorcycles, RV’s, chainsaws ect, think of all the oil this products require. You could very easily spend hundreds of dollars on oil and other necessary fluids. Think about how much money you could then save as a P.C. and add to that the reduced maintenance costs with extended drain intervals.
I don’t change my own oil or do my own maintenance
Thats not a problem. A lot of people don’t have time or just don’t want to do the work themselves. My mechanic is 2 blocks from my wife’s business and he will pick her car up, do the work and return it before she is done for the day. This works perfect if I don’t have time to get the work done myself. However, I try to do most of the work, as I use this time to teach my daughters life skills not taught in school anymore.
Most oil change places or mechanics will use AMSOIL products if you bring them. I asked my mechanic to use my AMSOIL products when he does work I don’t the equipment for like transmission fluid flushes and he does.. Some mechanics or dealerships may hesitate to use AMSOIL, because they have a deal with another oil brand and get incentives for it. Just remember there is a U.S. federal law, the Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, that allows you the freedom to choose the fluids used in your vehicles. It is also a violation of federal law to void your vehicle warranty because of the fluids you use. Learn more about being warranty secure
What do I need to register
A computer or a phone and a way to pay your membership fee is all that is needed. Giving our dealer reference # 5573391 when asked for it is helpful. You can also place an order at the same time as registering for your membership, so having product codes ready makes it easier.
Here is how you can become a Preferred Customer:
- Join the Preferred Customer program online here
- Call AMSOIL directly at (800) 956-5695 M-F, 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Central. If you do, use our dealer # 5573391 so that you can be assigned to our PC group, so we can continue to provide customer service to you.
- Call the Synthetic Oil Depot at 509-349-3012 and we can help you sign up.
- Sign up through our website here
Did you know that AMSOIL also makes synthetic oil filters, air filters, Bypass oil filter systems, greases, transmission fluid, gear lube, coolant and other performance products.

How can P.C.’s order product
A Preferred Customer can conveniently order products online, by phone, or by fax. Once your account is set up and you have placed an order, re-ordering is as simple as logging in to your dashboard and re-ordering what you already bought.
The hardest part about ordering is making sure you have all your product codes you need ready. AMSOIL’s vehicle finder makes that a simple task now, as all you do is answer a few questions about your vehicle and up comes a list with all the required fluids and filters specific to your vehicle. then click add to cart.
The vehicle finder is here.
Small engine filter finder
Download a product catalog
How do I get my products delivered.
Once you place your order the AMSOIL distribution center closest to you packages and ships your order to you by UPS. Most shipments are delivered within 1-2 days. If you live close enough to a distribution center, you can pick your order up within about 2 hours.
Some merchandise like posters, t shirts and other literature are only available from the corporate office. When you place your order for pickup, the shopping cart will tell you if a certain item is available for pickup at that distribution center.
What happens after I register.
After registering as a Preferred Customer you will receive a Preferred Customer Kit in the mail with all the information you need to know about the P.C. program. You will also have a subscription to AMSOIL INC.’s outstanding bi monthly magalog (combined magazine/product catalog) at no additional cost. You will occasionally get emails from AMSOIL corporate with the latest P.C. Promotion.
You may get an email from your assigned dealer. If you use our dealer #5573391, you will be placed in our P.C. group and we can assist you with any questions you may have .
What is an assigned dealer
Most people don’t understand that AMSOIL corporate will “assign” customers who become P.C.’s with out using a dealer reference # to any “Active” Dealer. Why, because they want the Dealers to handle most of the questions a customer has without having to call corporate. This reduces overhead and keeps overall prices lower. By using our Dealer #, you are put in our group and we can assist you if you need help. Our paychecks are the commissions we make on sales.
An “active” dealer is a person who actively works their business, which means that if you ask your “assigned” dealer for help they will respond. These dealers offer assistance to customers through answering questions and helping with orders if needed. Also, these dealers should help customers determine if they joined the right program: dealer, retail, commercial, PC and informing those who order from the retail catalog about the P.C. program and its savings potential.
Why did an Assigned Dealer contact me
It is for customer service. it is recommended that the “assigned” dealer, write a quick email explaining who they are, how to contact them and see if there is a better program for the customer. I look at it as the same as an accounts manager at any other business, like my father in-laws welding supply company or my neighbor who is the commercial account manager for a large trash pickup company. Their jobs are to make sure the customer gets the correct service.
We are not here to harass you or constantly email you. Our job at the Synthetic Oil Depot is simply to answer any questions you have and assist you with any orders or issues you may have. We may send a reminder if your membership is going to expire. In the early days of AMSOIL dealerships some dealers did become too aggressive, but as time has progressed the modern AMSOIL dealer has become more professional business person.
What happens if I move
Nothing changes. While we are based in Spokane, Washington, you can order AMSOIL anywhere in the U.S and Canada online or on the phone. You remain part of our Preferred Customer Group and we still provide customer service anywhere you live. The one thing you should do is update your shipping address as soon as possible.
Whats better a Dealership or Preferred Customer Status
One of the common questions we get is what is the difference between a Preferred Customer and a Dealer. So here is a brief description of the two programs
To make the choice the question you need to ask yourself is, “Do you want a business you can grow or do you just want to just buy products to use?” Once you answer that question, you will know the answer. Dealers own a legitimate business and sell AMSOIL products to other people. Preferred Customer’s just buy product to use at a discounted price and are not allowed to sell product.
For more info on the dealer business opportunity, see our business opportunity page that covers this more in depth. You can also look at AMSOIL’S business opportunity page.
A couple of quick points to further help make the choice.
AMSOIL made some adjustments to both the Preferred Customer program and the Dealer Opportunity to help differentiate them more. This was done, because most people were becoming dealers only to get the lowest prices and not have a true business. So they became what is called “dealers in name only or (Dino)”. This hurt the Dealers who were actually trying to run a business, because it was causing a bad name for AMSOIL and active dealers, when the “DINO” Dealers didn’t help customers who wanted assistance.
The price of the membership for becoming a Preferred Customer is $20 for 1 year and $10 for 6 months.
The annual price of a Dealership is $50.
The cost of either membership is made back with one order. For example one of our P.C.’s made an online purchase for ATF and XL oil for an 07 suburban and saved $90 off of retail with that one order.

P.C.’s get free shipping when ordering $100 or more.
Dealers must order $350 worth of product to get free shipping.
Both programs have a flat rate shipping charge for orders under the Free shipping minimum order value.
Product Cost

There is a slight price for product difference between the 2 programs. Dealers pay the lowest wholesale price on products, while P.C’s pay about 5% more. For P.C.’s, you still save up to 25% off of retail prices of products.
In the end you need to look over both programs and decide what is best for you.
Hopefully this article helped give you a better understanding of the P.C. Program and how it is different from the Dealer business If you’re still not sure, you can call us at the Synthetic Oil Depot at (509) 349-3012 and we can assist you.
Sign up for the Preferred Customer Program and start saving money today.